Skift Table

5.14.13: Food Photos = Fat?

Skift Take

— Kristen Hawley


Researcher: “Posting Food Images Online Makes You at Risk for Obesity

This Canadian doctor’s comment been covered by every food media outlet out there, but I’m still SMDH. Can she really say with any authority that posting photos of food could be a sign of obesity? For perspective, she also seems pretty upset when she says people don’t eat food solely for its nutritional value. Also, water is wet.

Here’s the thing: love ‘em or hate ‘em, good food photos make the viewer hungry, excited, jealous, or a variety of other mostly positive feelings. And the things that make up a good food photo are generally the same things that make up good food: fresh ingredients, a variety of colors, some sort of gorgeous garnish, a balanced proportion, and, most importantly, not being a casserole. And you better believe that a fresh apple is going to photograph better than a bowl of Cheetos. (Remember that time in 2006 on Top Chef season 2 when Mike made that vending-machine concoction with a Cheeto sticking out of the top? The “presentation” photo they aired during judging still makes me giggle.)

Also: in circles where you may be tempted to photograph food, there seems to be a sense of pride about what you’re eating. In fact, doing so may hold you more accountable for what you’re eating. I’m pretty sure the first thing most nutritionists tell you to do when evaluating your diet is to start a food journal chronicling what you eat. So snap on, Instagrammers. Just keep the flash off, please.


Kitchen Nightmares Restaurant’s Social Media Meltdown

Meltdown isn’t a strong enough word for what’s going on here. Like a scorned undergrad after too many shots of Malibu, an ailing Arizona restaurant that even Gordon Ramsay deemed too far gone took its anger to its Facebook page… in spectacular fashion. A sample post: “You people are all shit. Yelp shit, Reddits shit. Every shit. Come to here, I will fucking show you all.”

So much for asking for help. Lots of lessons here. Most importantly, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and step away from the computer.

More on Eater.



Where Chefs Eat, in App Form

Life is too short to eat at bad restaurants, and when it comes to recommendations, there are plenty of sites and apps to choose from. Some aren’t awesome. (Know me, know my Yelp vendetta.) The best recommendations come from the people who know food best: chefs. A new app, appropriately titled Where Chefs Eat tells you just that — at 2,000 different restaurants just about any place in the world. App content comes from a 714-page hardcover book of the same name that originates in the UK.

Yeah, the app is $15. Good, vetted, expert, compiled, pro-chef-sanctioned content doesn’t come cheap. Ironically, the book is on sale for $13 on Amazon, but if you consider that a deal over the virtual version, ask me about the time I lugged the Steve Jobs biography around Europe.

(Worth noting: the free ChefsFeed app works similarly, but only indexes US restaurants.)


Pizza Compass App Does Its Job Very Well

Who can complain about simplicity? Pizza Compass, a $1 app designed to “get pizza into your mouth,” is about as simple as it gets. Thankfully its simplicity doesn’t negate its usefulness when you want nothing more than pizza in your mouth. With a phone full of apps, a single-serving, sole-purpose dedicated pizza app is both fun and useful. Suggestions for more: Burger Compass. Burrito Compass. Fried Chicken Compass. (Can someone please make me French Onion Soup Compass?)


Go home, McDonalds’ Real-Time Marketing, You’re Drunk

Ever since that Super Bowl lights-out tweet from @Oreo, brands have been falling all over themselves to market in real-time. Ergo, after three Ohio women were heroically rescued after ten years in captivity, McDonalds took the opportunity to shout-out the man credited with their discovery. Charles Ramsey was eating McDonalds when he heard the woman’s screams. So naturally the fast food chain gets involved with this tweet, publicly promising Ramsay they’ll “be in touch.” Hm. The man deserves a reward; free Big Macs for life is probably not an appropriate award.


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