Skift Table

The New Payment App Designed for Dine and Dash

Skift Take

This is the first payment app we've seen that also thinks of restaurant staff. But do the devices need to be that bulky?

— Jason Clampet

No more pantomiming the signing of a restaurant bill or pretending to scratch your head when the waiters ignore you.

Barclaycard, the payment services arm of U.K. bank Barclays Plc, is testing a system called Dine & Dash that lets customers walk out of restaurants once they’ve finished eating.

Users who download a mobile app and enter bank details can touch their smartphones to a device on the restaurant table when they sit down. The system automatically takes payment, and the gadget changes color to inform the staff. Diners receive a digital receipt, and the app lets them split bills or apply discounts.

Restaurant-goers can try the new system at a London branch of Italian-themed chain Prezzo next month, Barclaycard said.

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A new app from credit card company will allow diners to handle all payments through their smartphones and signal to restaurant staff that payment has been made. / Prezzo

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