Tag: pizza


Pizza Delivery Is the Real Competition Over Super Bowl Weekend

6 years ago

It's the biggest pizza day of the year, but no pizza chain wants to spend top dollar for TV advertisements during the Super Bowl. Instead, companies have other plans to bring customers to their stores.


Domino’s Uses Cyber Monday Discounts to Push Online Orders

6 years ago

The company is betting late-night pizza and brand new 4K TVs go hand-in-hand.


Papa John’s Failures Can Be Measured in the Double Digits

6 years ago

It's a long way back for the pizza chain, which should first focus on making its former CEO go away before winning back customer approval.


Pizza Hut Enters the Fast-Food Price War With $5 Menu

6 years ago

Whether it's airlines or restaurants, nobody ever really wins a price war. You just make consumers think food is cheaper than it is, and make it difficult to raise prices when necessary.


Zume Is Getting Nearly $750 Million From SoftBank for Robot Pizza

6 years ago

Robot pizza is not a bad idea, in some circumstances, which is why Domino's is already in the game. Can three quarters of a billion dollars help one company catch up?


Bertucci’s Pizza Is Planning to File for Bankruptcy

6 years ago

Outside of delivery, pizza-centric chains across the country have challenges both distinguishing themselves from other casual restaurants with broader menus and similarly priced independent favorites with better food.


Domino’s Plans Orderly Departure of Highly Successful CEO

7 years ago

Interesting how Domino's, a chain that is doing quite well, is bucking the trend of pizza companies replacing a CEO right before a holiday with no secession plan in place.


One of America’s Best Independent Pizza Joints Just Sold for Less Than $700,000

7 years ago

We'd love to see independents valued at a much higher level than this.


Naples Pizza Makers Receive UNESCO Cultural Heritage Designation

7 years ago

A separate UNESCO designation for "delicious things" would certainly be an excellent idea.


Domino’s and Ford Are Testing How Diners Respond to Robot Pizza Delivery

7 years ago

While the thrill of a driverless car delivering a pizza is interesting, there's no way the economics will ever beat using a minimum-wage worker driving his or her own late-model compact.