

With Delivery out of the Way, Yelp Doubles Down on Restaurant Products

7 years ago

As expected, Yelp is focusing a lot of energy — and money — on its products for restaurants in an effort to own the entire process, from booking to post-meal review.


Restaurant Megatrends 2018: Hit List Dining Changes the Game

7 years ago

Where to eat is important — but suggestions of what to eat are even more influential these days. But chasing after one famous and photogenic dish means you might miss out on all the rest.


Restaurant Megatrends 2018: Fast Food Drops the Corporate Voice in Favor of Personality

7 years ago

As competition in the quick service market intensifies, having a rebellious streak that engages potential customers and differentiates concepts from dozens of similar brands no longer seems like a risk, but a necessity.


Reba McEntire Is the Next Colonel Sanders in KFC Ads

7 years ago

KFC's revolvingcolonel campaign continues to be one of our favorites in the industry, and Reba only makes it better.


Restaurant Megatrends 2018: Design Has a ‘More Is More’ Moment

7 years ago

Distinctive elements will dominate in restaurant design through 2018. Bold color choices, stand-out patterns, text-heavy neon signage, and witty branding will shape identities for new spaces, and the perceptions of those who experience them— virtually or otherwise.


Croissants Are Still a Battlefront in Bakeries’ Novelty Treat Wars

7 years ago

Who would have thought that one day Burger King's Croissan'wich would seem like a trailblazer?


Jack in the Box Turns to Snoop Dogg to Target Diners With the Munchies

7 years ago

Taco Bell better up its game in California unless it wants to lose a huge chunk of its business.


Wendy’s Reddit AMA Can’t Match Its Top-Notch Twitter Game

7 years ago

Wendy's Reddit AMA keeps the formula for the brand's secret sauce to itself, and still provides no answer to the future of Spicy Chicken Nuggets.


The UK’s Best Restaurant Is Also Its Most Expensive

7 years ago

We are deep in ranking and ratings season, but this is one of the few post-Zagat lists that combines users and pros to generate its winners. Does this mix bring us a better list?


Delivery Kits’ Threat to Restaurants Is Overstated

7 years ago

As restaurants analyze threats to their business they need to work extra hard to see through the hype.


Kellogg’s Wants You to Instagram Your Cereal at Its New Cafe

7 years ago

Nostalgia plus an Instagram station is Millennial gold, so this is as good a marketing effort as any to make cereal hip again — with two seasoned fine-dining veterans at the helm.


One Strong Case for Reviews by the People

7 years ago

Amid all the song and dance described here, professional critics have to work even harder to discern the everyday diner experience from a show put on solely for a critic's benefit.